NAGAOKA 「HIGH END munich 2024」に出展!
今年もドイツ・ミュンヘンで開催される「HIGH END munich 2024」に出展!新製品のモノラルカートリッジを試聴できます!
English follows Japanese:
NAGAOKAは、ドイツ・ミュンヘンで5月9日~12日までの4日間にわたって開催される世界最大級のインターナショナルオーディオショー「HIGH END munich 2024」に今年も出展します。
今年のNAGAOKAのブースでは、カートリッジ新製品や「宮内庁御用達漆器の山田平安堂」とのコラボのスタビライザーの展示を行う他、長年のロングセラーで2021年のグッドデザイン・ロングライフデザイン賞を受賞したMPカートリッジシリーズ、 2020年に発売しグッドデザイン賞や「JAZZ JAPAN AWARD 2020」のベストオーディオ機器賞を受賞したJT-80カートリッジなどを試聴していただけます。
NAGAOKA to Attend to "HIGH END Munich 2024", Offering Visitors Opportunity to Try New Monaural Cartridge
TOKYO, Japan, May 9, 2024
NAGAOKA will be attending "HIGH END Munich 2024", the world's largest international audio show held in Munich, Germany from May 9th to 12th. The event is open to the general public for viewing on May 11th and 12th.
The exhibition will provide visitors with the opportunity to experience NAGAOKA's handmade record styli crafted in its factory in Yamagata Prefecture, Japan. NAGAOKA aims to show the allure of vinyl records and highlight the exceptional sound quality and craftsmanship of its products to the global market through this show. At this year's NAGAOKA booth, we will be displaying our latest cartridge products and collaborative stabilizers with Yamada Heiando, a Japanese lacquerware brand, with more than 90 years of history and traditions. Also, visitors can experience our long-standing bestseller, the MP cartridge series, which received the Long Life Design Award in 2021, and the JT-80 cartridge, which won the Good Design Award in 2020 and the Best Audio Equipment Award at the Jazz Japan Award 2020.
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